Sunday, February 22, 2009

What the internet needs: more worthless opinions

I don‘t get how a column reconciles suggesting that among the criteria for judging the worth of a president are not starting wars and the economic changes as shown by the indications whilst at the same time suggesting that stupid historian polls on greatest president have W. Bush ranked erroneously... unless it thinks 41 was too high. Those polls are wicked retahdad but still not quite as retahdad as the columns that aim to show these polls are stupid in order to defend poor little "least sharpest tool in Cheney's tool shed" yet can't frame the argument in a way to suggest that said tool is worthy of a higher ranking. At least Coulter is not just plagiarizing Republican talking points memo ala Malkin; moderately interesting to read when she actually does some homework and not regurgitate.

Also, belatedly, loved the BillO and Coulter pissing contest on who sells more books but it's not really fair - one pisses pees sitting down. Alternatively but just as crudely, it's not fair since one is a prick while the other is an asshole and asshole are no good pissing.


The Obama-Geithner bromance is the real lipstick-on-a-pig. So Sarah Palin can let that weight off her shoulders. Look for change in the phone booths that no one ever uses now except the homeless (as lavatories) before Washington. The left should be disappointed but I'm slightly warmed by the fact that at the left is willing to challenge the admin a bit on this. If this was the right there would be some R-rated embrace of any scummy scheme to bailout bankers and their shareholders. Naturally, politicians are trying to gain some capital out of every situation that arises. No surprises. Partisan lines like the Maginot line, now all I want is some metaphorical German tanks to...I'm not a holocaust denier...break the line.

================================= is the internet haven for bored wastoids looking to kill time. For those people after porn has lost some of it's glossy, glossy sheen. I'm going to say that I'm everything dreaded in a commenter: the general defender, political N00b, etc. Now I know the internet is where non-hyperbolic comments go to die but I read all these readers sucking Bill SImmon's cock over how his columns and podcasts are so great and funny and I'm like "Do they know how to type" Ok, they don't have the sports insights. Simmons does know his basketball inside out, however the other sports and popculture stuff range from mundane to inane. Maybe I have a grudge against Bill Simmons, like he has against Mike Dunleavy (even though he does sound like a prick and is definitively incompetent); he really needs to put a disclaimer in his Dunleavy knifings pertaining to how Dunleavy stiffed him on the bet in a game of HORSE. You know like the columns on stock picks or pot smoking.


Loved how there's people defending the bible re an article on CRACKED. It's fucking cracked you read an article that pokes fun at literal interpretations of bible stories and someone feels the urge to defend the sanctity of the bible against those who would sully it by making fun of it by taking passage -not out of context- but TOO FUCKING LITERALLY. Like some people do with Leviticus 18:22. Is there a rule in the bible that tells you which element is fable and which is written in stone. Oh, right. Where do people get the urge to defend the bible on, really.


Also defenders of Alexey Vaksev or whatever the name of that guy who made that video resume about how impossible is nothing. I mean it might indeed be a positive life message. The problem is context: it's fine as self-help video or self-improvement commercial but as a resume for some Wall Street gig? For that you really need to do it in a COPS style with the arrest and everything or America's Most Wanted perhaps.


Now my stupid urge to defend Slumdog Millionaire by using two wrongs make a right logic. An uneducated winner on WWTBAM is unlikely. But someone aging in reverse is biologically impossible. It's a only storytelling device in Ben Button to digress on the vagaries of human relations but is the Millionaire questions not more of one? And I beg the commenters to get the praise right: Yes to direction, editing, cinematography, sound-editing, soundtrack Less for script, acting, story. I'm a pompous, snobby slumdog douchebag. Having politicians and wall street bigwigs exist makes me feel better about myself.


Abstinence is not realistic for most teenagers. I guess it's not so much what she said as who she is. I don't think it's about valuing her opinion as it is to say that a self-professed working class, heartland, hockey mom, joely sixpack, rural, beauty pageant contestant (non-winning) ultra conservative All-American Alaskan governor soon to be millionaire raised a daughter who felt this was enough of a reality to acknowledge that fact in the open. Although obviously it's also meant to exculpate her from any "crime" as an unwed teenage mom practicing in the sins of letting a pretty good looking kid missionary you, presumably. Or perhaps she rode him. Or both, yeah probably both. The real interesting question is this: " If God or the Devil offered Palin the presidency in 2012 in exchange for her denouncing her daughter's "ways", would she do it in 5 minutes or in a heartbeat?" I kid, I kid. She'd do it in less than a heartbeat. As for why God or the Devil? God has made more indecent proposals ("tests" in the granddaddy of all euphemisms) than Bill Clinton and JFK put together (as they called it "executive desemenizations").


To be fair BillO/Coulter pissing contest is no contest. This is America and the man who brings home the biggest bacon is the winner. ANd BillO out earns Coulter all the way, even if Coulter's street income is tax free. What? She slings ice on the weekends in Chinatown, it's an open secret, right? Even I can't imagine anyone would pay for sexual services with it. Personal attacks are awesome for people who have no point to make nor any high ground to grandstand on. And they make you feel so less depressed about yourself if you're me. My compliment: it's better than Malkin who just bores me. Malkin could write porn and bore me.


Rush Limbaugh thinks it's a good idea to make fun of Obama's name? Barack the Magic Negro? Really Rush? Look at the guy, he couldn't rush out of a burning radio studio. The only thing he'd rush to is the ER while getting pushed through on a gurney(?). Or to the end of coitus. Or rush to be addicted to painkillers. Lame joke. But how the hell did he get on it? Injury? The man barely moves, how the fuck did he get injured? Having sex? I can't imagine him doing anything but lying there while imagining boning Reagan. What you thought it was a coincidence that he used that imagery of grabbing his ankles and bending over. Fraudian fraud. Who's the king of cable news grandstanding? Olbermann, hands down.


If Hannity is a great American what does that make Henry Ford? Reagan? Lincoln? The term becomes worthless like a B in high school nowadays.



The Net Bible® translation 3 inserts two words to produce "And with a male you shall not lay [as the] lyings of a woman." A man must not have sexual intercourse with another man as he would normally have with a woman. i.e. anal intercourse between two men is not permitted. From this literal, word for word translation, they produce a smoother English version: "You must not have sexual intercourse with a male as one has sexual intercourse with a woman."

Yeah, not every chick is going to let you go backdoor, the bible was trying to warn men about asking the rear entrance and getting a whupping. God is omniscient indeed. Or may it was trying to warn against trying to penetrate a penis with a penis.

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